Thursday, April 2, 2020

Tutoring Services Melbourne

Tutoring Services MelbourneIf you have a part-time or full-time job but are finding it hard to meet up with the family or other obligations, tutoring services Melbourne can help you. In these stressful times, why not join one of the many tutoring services in Melbourne and get the rest of your life back. Plus, it is always good to get away from your daily routine and spend quality time with your family.Melbourne tutoring services provide the assistance that you need to excel at school. If you have been living under a cloud for your school work or school-related issues, you are not alone. Many people are finding that a busy life is not making them the success that they desire. One thing that you will get from tutoring services Melbourne is a better understanding of the things that you need to do in order to succeed in life.If you need extra training to get an associate degree, you can take advantage of one of the many training centres that provide tutoring services Melbourne. Many stud ents can use the services of a tutoring service for easy and complete training. You can usually learn the information that you need to master subjects like Accounting and Literature from a tutor that will instruct you at your home. The service will set up meetings for you to spend time with the tutor.Common day to day tutoring in Melbourne includes tutoring on college and university entrance requirements. You can also use the services of a tutoring service to meet with a tutor on the internet and do your college application. Some tutoring services also have college admission tutoring packages available. Students that wish to further their education can also find the services of tutoring services in Melbourne to be very helpful.This kind of service can be very helpful if you are applying for a part-time job. Tutoring services in Melbourne provide them to those that need them the most. Many people are struggling to find a good time to meet with their prospective employers or help them get jobs. Tutoring services in Melbourne can provide the information that you need to apply for the jobs that you are trying to get. Tutoring services in Melbourne are very helpful to people that are trying to start a business.Another thing that tutoring services in Melbourne can provide you with is an opportunity to get more out of life. You can learn that life does not end at work. You can change the way that you see the world and the people that you surround yourself with. The tutoring service in Melbourne can provide you with the information that you need to enjoy life more. This is the life that you need to live in order to be successful in your career and to make new friends.To find a good tutoring service in Melbourne, do a little research. The number of different tutoring services that are available in Melbourne will vary. You can look for the tutoring services that are the most user friendly to your needs. If you are still unsure of what kind of tutoring services Melbourne can provide, check with the tutoring service about what type of tutoring services that they have available to their clients.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Guide To GCSE Art

A Guide To GCSE Art Check Out These Useful Facts About The GCSE Art Syllabus ChaptersWhy Study Art GCSE?A Guide To Your AQA Art GCSE OptionsHow Will You Be Assessed?Perfecting Your GCSE Art SketchbookSettling On Your GCSE Art Final Piece 2018If you are coming to the end of Year 9 and are getting ready to choose your options for your Key Stage 4, or GCSE as they are better known, years then you might be grateful for a little bit of advice. While you should, first of all, discuss your  decisions with your parents, form tutor and careers department, we are here to offer you some insight into what you might expect if you were to enrol  on the AQA GCSE Art Design course, the most popular art programme in the UK.Even if you absolutely love to draw, you may be surprised by how different 'art classes near me' are once you enter this level of your education aged around thirteen-years-old  (finishing the course when you are about fifteen or sixteen). Gone are the days where you could simply draw a pretty picture and get top marks for your efforts, a number of secondar y factors come into play at GCSE which you must be prepared for like producing pieces of art with a message or meaning, understanding the history of art and the different genres and mediums, as well as being  able to analyse works by others in great detail.All of your hard work during the two-year course will culminate with a final piece, usually completed during a 10-hour exam spread across two school days, which will be heavily influenced by what you have learned along the way about yourself, your artistic preferences and your individual style.Art at GCSE will, of course, be good preparation for you before you begin a sixth form art course or decide you wish to enrol on an Art Foundation course as part of your further education. Each part of your art education will help you to transition to the next and have you ready for your prospective career within the field.An Art GCSE could be the start of your journey towards studying Art at university. Photo on VisualHunt.comSo, if you are still interested in taking this subject as one of your options for GCSE, then keep reading to find out more about the course!Textile designThis subtopic is all about textile art like fashion design and illustration, costume design, constructed textiles, printed and dyed textiles, surface pattern, stitched and/or embellished textiles, soft furnishings and/or textiles for interiors, digital textiles and installed textiles. Therefore, anyone who sees themselves in the textiles industry would benefit from having studied this module.Three-dimensional designThis particular section offers those wishing to express themselves artistically with the opportunity to do with varying mediums and within different settings. For example, this mofule is made up of architectural design, sculpture, ceramics, product design, jewellery and body adornment, interior design, environmental/landscape/garden design, exhibition design, three-dimensional digital design and designs for theatre, and film and telev ision.PhotographyFinally, budding photographers will no doubt be drawn to this area of study because it allows them to develop their skills and experiment with portraiture, location photography, studio photography, experimental imagery, installation, documentary photography, photo-journalism, moving image: film, video and animation, and fashion photography.Look up for  art classes Edinburgh  now.There are two compulsory components.  Students must complete both components.Component 1: PortfolioA portfolio that in total shows explicit coverage of the four assessment objectives. It must include a sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions and a selection of further work undertaken during the student’s course of study.See further details below on how this component is assessed:No time limit 96 marks 60% of GCSE Non-exam assessment (NEA) set and marked by the school/college and moderated by AQA during a visit. Moderation will norma lly take place in June.Component 2: Externally-set assignmentStudents respond to their chosen starting point from an externally set assignment paper relating to their subject title, evidencing coverage of all four assessment objectives.See further details below on how this component is assessed:Preparatory period followed by 10 hours of supervised time 96 marks 40% of GCSE Non-exam assessment (NEA) set by AQA; marked by the school/college and moderated by AQA during a visit. Moderation will normally take place in June.As you can gather, the majority of your final grade will be given in conjunction with your sketchbook or portfolio (i.e. the work that you complete throughout the two-year period) whilst 40% will be based on how you perform in your final assessment and the final piece of art work that you produce as a result of those 10 hours of supervised work.Perfecting Your GCSE Art SketchbookIt might seem quite constrictive having to fill a small-scale sketchbook with your ideas th roughout the two-year course, but the guidelines suggest that there are actually no restrictions on the scale of work you can complete, nor are you tied down to using just basic media or materials. So, check with your Art teacher first, but, in short, you can go wild and create huge masterpieces to add to your portfolio if you so wish!Your sketchbook should be true to your style and also display your academic journey. Photo credit: marciadotcom on Visual HuntYour GCSE art portfolio should, however, be a good representation of your academic journey in this subject.For instance, you should ensure that it responds in some way to a theme, subject, task or brief set out by your course and that it provides evidence of how you have engaged with this subject matter and how you came to your final piece. Your intentions, therefore, should be made completely visible so the examiner can recognise them.The idea is that this gives you the chance to demonstrate your ability to draw together differ ent areas of knowledge, skills and/or understanding from across your course of study and connect with such things to produce artwork that is meaningful to you as an individual.Other important pieces of work to show in your textbook are a selection of further work resulting from activities such as trials and experiments; skills-based workshops; mini and/or foundation projects; responses to gallery, museum or site visits; work placements; independent study and evidence of the student’s specific role in any group work undertaken.One very important thing to remember is that this component is marked as a whole, so every single visual representation should be to the highest of standards.There is no use having a few amazing pages in your portfolio followed by an incomplete and bare-looking page, as this will only bring your mark down. (And with 60% of your final grade depending on it, you want every mark you can get!) The examiner wants to see that you have put in the effort and that you have really engaged with the task at hand rather than just sticking things down unnecessarily to cover blank white spaces or writing things down that have little or no meaning to you or your project.On the subject of writing, it is important to note sources and indicate when words or images are not your own so as not to plagiarise.The format of your portfolio will vary from page to page and piece to piece, but, ideally, it will include mounted studies, sketchbooks, visual diaries, journals, design sheets, design proposals, models, maquettes, prototypes, storyboards, video, photographic or digital presentations, and records of transient and site-specific installations.Find online art courses near you.Settling On Your GCSE Art Final Piece 2018Your final piece is usually 40% of your overall grade in Art (as is the case for AQA Art Design) so it is good to understand more about this component before you begin the course.  You will have a number of weeks to research the theme of your c hoice (or the theme set out by your course) and create a preparation journey in your sketchbook.The final part of the examination project is a 10-hour exam where you will create your final piece, but remember that it must also be linked to your sketchbook research and not come completely out of the blue for the examiner assessing it alongside your coursework.You will be able to add to your sketchbook during the exam however you ideally want to be focused on your final piece and have already completed all the preparation you need ahead of the day of the exam. In addition, the following  activities, according to the AQA exam board website, do not get counted as part of your exam time:preparation of print materials, such as filing edges of perspex or metal print plates stretching of screens, preparation of blocks and plates mixing of photographic chemicals, washing and drying prints arrangement of a still life. You can take the materials for a still-life group into the exam. rest time for life models the making of a bare model stage fixing dye, dyeing yarn, washing and finishing of hand-woven fabrics or stretching of embroidery casting and mounting of models and sculptures drying of printing inks, oil paints, varnishes, glues or papier-mâché drying and firing time for sculptural work For ceramicists: the firing of the kiln is not counted in the time you're given but preparing the clay and the shaping of the work is. Ceramic work should be fired and completed before you present it for assessment, and you'll need plenty of time for drying-out and firing.The Importance Of Choosing Your GCSE Artwork CarefullyWhat you decide to work on during your exam should not be a decision you take lightly.In theory, you will have had an idea in your head from quite early on in the course and will have used your portfolio to identify a path towards this final piece of artwork.Every teenager's final piece will be different, but the main things to remember are to ensure your final piece clearly links with your sketchbook work and ensuring that it also links clearly with your artist research within your sketchbook. You shouldn't be cautious in your Art course - be ambitious with your ideas, but choose materials and techniques that you feel particularly confident using. Do not try to use a medium you have never tried before during your final exam - this is not the time for experimentation!Finally, plan the 10 hours well as the time will fly by. You can either set out an hourly schedule or guide or you can simply set out objectives for your first and second days. The exam more often than not takes place in your classroom so you can feel comfortable completing work within your usual learning environment.Once it is done, it will be such a great achievement and a huge relief!Good luck!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Is Geometry The Most Fundamental Area Of Math

Is Geometry The Most Fundamental Area Of Math As the very name implies, Geometry means measuring earth (‘Geo’ meaning earth and ‘metron’meaning measurement). Hence, one can understand how old this branch of Math is and what importance it should hold among the branches of Math. What is Geometry? Geometry is the branch of Math which deals with shapes, sizes, figures and their various properties, relations and measurements. Doing this with seriousness helps a Math student develop good mathematical abilities and a precise power of perception. Top 7 #Geometry #Apps To Make #Math Easier For Students â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) November 23, 2015 How old is Geometry? Geometry was given importance right from the age of Greeks and most of its concepts were found in measuring lengths. Measuring volumes and areas in their early culture. In the western culture, traces of math can be seen from 6 century BC. Then it had its development in the hands of Euclid in 3RD century BC in axiomatic form. Today, you find math in its developed stage and with its immense applications in various fields. Geometry’s influence upon other branches of Math You find the ideas of math in many of the branches of Math and it is invariably a fundamental aspect of Math. The concepts of Geometry have given rise to Trigonometry with its angles. Concepts like side angles, right angled triangles and non-right triangles. Algebraic math is also popular today with its concepts like coordinates. You have the emergence of Calculus from the aspects of math. One can find the root of modern integral Calculus in Archimedes’ ingenuous techniques for calculating areas and volumes. You find geometric figures like plane curves   and represented analytically in the form of functions and equations leading to the emergence of infinitesimal Calculus. Today, you have Topology and differential math as well. Overtones of Geometry in various areas of learning Since it is interlinked with Astronomy and is useful for calculating spatial distances. Both these subjects were learnt together in olden days. Not only that, math has sprinkled its influence upon various other areas like art. Areas like land survey and civil engineering and architecture. You can find the overtones of Geometry in Science subjects like Physics also. Hence, it has a vast role to play in the contour of Math learning and makes for successful understanding of related topics in Trigonometry and Calculus. #Math For Advanced Level; #Algebra #Geometry And #Calculus Advanced â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) October 7, 2015 Benefits of learning Geometry Understanding the fundamentals of Geometry develops one’s aesthetic sense. Spatial awareness, deductive reasoning and logic. Analytical skills and ability to calculate precisely and draw accurately. It gives work to right brain along with exercising the left brain as it is art oriented. Also in its topics allowing students to exercise their visualizing capabilities. This is while drawing geometric figures and shapes. Career prospects for Geometry Students who take up math are able to find various career opportunities in their reach. One can become an artist, land surveyor, civil engineer, astronomer and architect if he specializes in math. Further, one develops a like for the beautiful aspects of earth. And space on looking at the aspects around him with a geometric eye. Tutor Pace: Learn #Math Concepts Effectively With A Math Tutor Online | PRUnderground #onlinetutoring via @TutorPace â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) November 24, 2015 Difficulties in doing Geometry Learning math is dependent upon one’s interest in the subject and it of course involves a particular set of skills. Students with an artistic bent of mind and innovative and creative skills shine in math. Even then, most of them need assistance and   as far as proving geometric theorems is concerned. They also find geometric formulas hard. For such students online Geometry tutoring can come in handy with subject experts rendering best packages. It is in the form of personalized tuition hours. What can an online Geometry tutor do for you? He can resolve riddling geometric formulas on white board with step by step analysis with you by the side. He can produce results for intricate geometric measurement through easy methods. Online tutor in college can introduce topics in an interactive way and make geometry assignment help easy and fun for you. His Geometry homework help is the exact remedy for your homework struggles. And he will lead you in the right direction for success in your math exams. #Thanksgiving Special Avail 10% OFF On All Tutoring Packages From Tutor Pace | PRUnderground via @TutorPace â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) November 24, 2015 Only thing you need to ace Geometry is the timely help of college nath tutors. Also in personalized online classrooms in the safe environment of an established online tutoring center.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

ACT Science Tips

ACT Science Tips Are you concerned about ACT Science? Even if you are not strong in the scientific areas assessed biology, chemistry, Earth/space sciences, and physics you can still perform well on this section. You may also want to consider enlisting the help of anACT science tutoras well as taking a few ACT practice teststo help you prepare. The ACT primarily measures your ability to reason scientifically, not your recall of concepts. Here are several tips for the Science section: 1. Write on the exam The majority of questions involve reading lengthy passages or viewpoints, and the involved information can be dense. Underline or circle key terms that are frequently utilized, and mark key points. Writing on the test has two purposes: it keeps your mind active while you read the passages, and it highlights important parts that you can reference when you address the questions. Here are some great tips on how to prep for the ACT science section. 2. Eliminate With more difficult questions, it is often simpler to identify the wrong answers than to choose the correct ones. Eliminate responses you know are incorrect, and probability will be in your favor even if you must guess between the remaining choices. If an answer seems correct, mark it but read the other options you may locate an even better response. 3. Summarize This strategy is very useful with Conflicting Viewpoints questions: separate views about the same subject are provided, and seven questions test your ability to evaluate the argument and differentiate opinions. After reading, summarize as quickly and accurately as possible the main argument of each viewpoint. Note where the authors disagree, but also where they agree. When answering questions, refer to your summaries first, and then consult the original passages if the answer isnt apparent. 4. Translate the question The ACT measures your ability to interpret complex or confusing questions. A wrong answer will frequently appear appealing because of a difficult question. Do not permit a strange question to phase you. Instead, translate the question into your own words, and use it to determine the correct choice. 5. Ignore the answers, briefly Not only are questions complex, but the answers on the ACT are intentionally constructed to mislead you. It can be beneficial to initially cover up the multiple-choice answers and attempt to respond to the question in your own words then, with the answer choices revealed, choose the one that most closely matches your own response. This method works best with general questions on the Research Summaries and Conflicting Viewpoint sections problems that ask about the general purpose or main idea of a passage. 6. Skim charts and graphs Part of the ACT Science section, Data Representation, assesses your ability to read and interpret scientific charts and graphs. Spend several seconds examining the chart, noting the important parts the title, subtitle, and units then move on to the questions. You likely will not have to answer questions about every part of the chart or graph, and you will certainly have to refer back to them regardless. Do not waste precious time at the beginning analyzing them. You may want to take a look at these tips on how to improve your ACT scoreas well.

Online Definition of Geometry Tutors

Online Definition of Geometry Tutors Geometry is a section in Mathematics which deals with different lines, angles and predominantly is the study of various shapes and their measurements. When two or more lines are connected, various kinds of shapes are formed and those shapes are called by different names like squares, rectangles, triangles etc. These geometric shapes have different side lengths, angles areas, volumes etc. and the study of all these measurements is Geometry. Geometry constitutes one of the most important sections in math and its concepts are used most of the time in our daily life. Example 1: Calculate the area of a triangle which has base side of length 5m and height of 4m? Triangle is a geometric shape which has 3 sides and 3 angles. The area of the triangle is = 1/2 *(base)* (height) Given: Base length of the triangle, b = 5m Height of the triangle, h = 4m This gives, Area of the triangle, A = 1/2 * 5m * 4m = 10m2. Therefore, area of the given triangle is 10m2 Example 2: Calculate the area of a circle if the radius of the circle is 3m. In the given question, radius of the circle, r = 3m Area of the circle is given by the formula, Area = * (radius)2 In the above formula, (known as pi) is a constant == Value of = 3.14 Therefore we get, Area of the circle, A = * (3m)2 == Area, A = 9 = 28.3m2 Hence area of the given circle, A = 28.3m2

How are IB Exams Scored

How are IB Exams Scored From college credit to sharper higher-order thinking skills, the benefits of earning an IB diploma are undeniable. The IB Diploma Programme culminates in various types of IB exams whose grading criteria can seem mystifying upon first review. To avoid surprises come test day, its key to be aware of how IB courses are evaluated. When understanding IB exam scoring, its important to explore the various types of assessments, scoring scales, and passing requirements. Keep reading to learn how individual IB exams are scored. [RELATED: What High School Students Should Know About IB Courses] External vs. internal IB assessments IB assessments are classified as external or internal. External assessments include exams, and are touted for their objective nature. IB external assessments generally involve a combination of the following formats: Case study questions Data response questions Essays Multiple-choice questions (rare) Short-response questions Structured problems Text-response questions. Internal assessments, on the other hand, are evaluated and supervised by teachers. The student and the teacher work closely together throughout the year, and the teacher acts as a mentor while the student develops his or her unique project related to the IB course. Internal assessments may involve the following: Artistic performances Geographical fieldwork Laboratory work Mathematical research. IB exam scoring scales IB exams are graded on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest), with only seven percent of IB students earning a perfect score. Accounting for the six IB subject groups, and up to three additional points for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the Extended Essay (EE), the maximum score a student can achieve in the Diploma Programme is 45 total points. (Note, however, that you can often complete an IB course without enrolling in the Diploma Programme.) [RELATED: 10 Study Habits to Avoid] IB exam score requirements for earning a diploma Students must accumulate a minimum of 24 total points to earn an IB diploma. Despite the programs demanding nature, most IB students exceed the minimum score requirements. The average score in the IB Diploma Programme is 30 points, and the pass rate has remained close to 80 percent. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the IB grade descriptors, an extensive overview that describes exactly what the test graders look for. Each score is accompanied by a detailed description to help students gauge their performance. In addition, to earn the IB diploma, students must also pass the core, which includes the EE, TOK, and an element called Creativity, Action, Service. Though Creativity, Action, Service does not contribute to the points total of the IB diploma, students are required to demonstrate authenticated participation. The scoring of IB exams is not as complicated a process as it may seem. If you have not done so already, familiarize yourself with the IB exam types and scoring guidelines to prepare for your IB exams. [RELATED: Time Management Tips for Students] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

The Boss 2 Things to Think About - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / “The Boss” 2 Things to Think About - Introvert Whisperer “The Boss” 2 Things to Think About I had lunch with a friend and I was asking about her son who I had helped a bit with career coaching.   She was saying he loved his job and especially had a great boss.   She told me some of the things this boss had said and done.   Clearly, this boss was a good leader. I want to share with you what I shared with my friend simply to give you something to think about in your own career. For as long as I have paid attention to this statistic (which is close to over 20 years) the number 1 contributor to a person’s job satisfaction is: The Boss.   I think most people think it’s the money but money, strangely enough, shows up in #3 or #4 spot but the boss has been at the top spot all the time. If you think about it, it becomes easy to see.   At some point, it almost makes no difference how much you get paid, if the boss is a miserable person, the money can’t make you happy. I think this factoid is important to you for 2 reasons: #1 â€" If you lead others, YOU are responsible for whether or not those people will like coming in to work.   That alone should cause you to pay attention and try to be a good leader.   Things like motivation and productivity are directly tied to this condition. Even if you want to feel no responsibility for how others feel, you need to pay attention to the fact that your team will perform better if they can work well with you.   You will look much better to the executives if your team works great â€" isn’t that worth it? #2 â€" If you don’t like going to work, it’s the boss.   While you know I’m a big advocate of taking responsibility for working well with the boss (and you are), you also must recognize the reality of the situation.   You can’t change another person, nor can you expect for them to wake up and be different.   Unless you think the boss is going to quickly move on from the current job, things aren’t going to improve anytime soon.   Do you want to live like this? Take responsibility for compensating your interactions with the boss.   It could completely change the dynamic. It’s a tough job being the boss.   I know, I’ve done it for years.   It’s also the best job if done right but it’s seriously easy to do wrong.   That’s why there are so many books and classes devoted to leadership and management training. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The Benefits of SAT Prep

The Benefits of SAT Prep The Benefits of SAT Prep The college admissions process can be one of the most stressful parts of raising a teenager. For many parents, it is the culmination of a long process; they hope that those years of decision-making and support will lead to an acceptance letter to a good college, which will pave the way for adulthood, independence, and a worthwhile career. There are many aspects to the college admissions process, and taking the SAT is routinely cited as a major concern for both teens and parents, for good reason. The test results will be considered heavily when colleges are reviewing applications and could be the deciding factor in your child's acceptance or denial at an institution. So how does a concerned parent bridge any gaps between their childs current level of knowledge and the skills that he or she will need to do well on the SAT? One of the most proven methods is to enroll your child in a respected and established SAT prep program. There are many benefits to SAT prep, including the following: A Higher Score: In the competitive world of college admissions, even a slight increase in score can be the difference between the desired college acceptance notification and a disappointing rejection letter. Expert Help: Experts on the test know that it's not just your child's knowledge that is being tested, but also his or her understanding and ability to reason. They will be the best able to instruct your child on test-taking strategies that are tailored, both to the test and to your child's particular learning style. Reduced pressure: The combination of practice which aids familiarity and expert advice will help to alleviate the pressure that your teen might experience with a test that can have a big impact on his or her future. As your child becomes more familiar with the test, your childs comfort levels and confidence will rise. Financial Aid: The cost of college has increased enormously over the last decade. Since many colleges provide financial aid based, in part, on an applicant's SAT scores, the investment in a prep program can lead to significant monetary benefits down the road. The SATs do not have to induce panic in you or your child. By enrolling in a recognized SAT prep program, you can alleviate some of the tension and ensure that your teen is as prepared as possible. Enroll now before the fall SAT season arrives!

Are Weighted Vests and Stability Balls Helpful for Kids with ADHD

Are Weighted Vests and Stability Balls Helpful for Kids with ADHD Occupational therapy (OT) tools like weighted vests and stability balls are often prescribed in the classroom for children with ADHD. In theory, these tools help children stay more focused, be more productive, and have fewer behavior problems. But are they effective for kids with ADHD? While these OT tools are widely used, with school districts spending millions of dollars each year on these supplies for kids with ADHD, research examining their effectiveness has not been conducted until recently. Researchers at Florida International University sought to address this gap by conducting the first controlled study examining the use of weighted vests and stability balls for kids with ADHD.1 The study was conducted in a summer program specifically designed for children with ADHD, which included daily classroom sessions (as well as other activities throughout the day). In the study, 64 children between the ages of 7-12 were randomly assigned to receive stability balls and weighted vests at 60-minute intervals throughout the week during the classroom sessions. All of the children also received behavioral interventions (like a daily report card), and half of the children also received ADHD medication. Researchers measured the effects of weighted vests and stability balls on academic productivity and classroom behavior. The results showed that the weighted vests and stability balls had no impact on either classroom behavior or academic productivity for kids with ADHD. In contrast (and as expected), the ADHD medication and behavioral interventions did improve both classroom behavior and academic productivity. So, what does this mean for your child? Since this is the first study examining the effectiveness of these occupational therapy devices for kids with ADHD, and the number of participants in the study was small, more research is needed before we can draw any firm conclusions. However, the study does suggest that parents and teachers should be cautious about relying too heavily on these tools for kids with ADHD. If you and your childs school decide to use occupational therapy devices in the classroom, make sure that you: Request that teachers complete rating scales measuring ADHD symptoms and academic productivity before the devices are introduced and again one or two weeks after the devices have been in use. If you do not see any improvement, then the child should stop using the stability ball and weighted vest. If you do see improvement, have rating scales completed one month later to make sure the improvements are long-lasting. Consider the stigma that may come with using these tools in the classroom. A child using a stability ball and/or a weighted vest will stand out from their peers, and not usually in a good way. So, consider the social impact that these devices may have on your child before approving their use in the classroom. The benefits of the device need to outweigh the potentially negative social effects in order to truly be useful for your child. Always use these tools in conjunction with evidence-based interventions for ADHD. Stability balls and weighted vests are not stand-alone interventions for ADHD, and they should never be used as a replacement for evidence-based strategies. 1 Macphee et al, (2019) The Effect of Weighted Vests and Stability Balls With and Without Psychostimulant Medication on Classroom Outcomes for Children with ADHD. School Psychology Review. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.